Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Feature:

I will be starting a new feature here for Northstar Basketball. Player diaries will now be a part of the site. Basically, I'll be having different kids writing "journal entries" that I will then put on the website. My hope is to get players from all over America, and have them be from numerous classes. As of now, I have five players lined up, one from every class between 2008 and 2012:

2008: Erving Walker, NY, University of Florida
2009: Derek Elston, IN
2010: Steve Rennard, NJ
2011: Stevie Taylor, OH
2012: Justin Anderson, VA

I will also try to get some other kids, and have already been in contact with a few regarding the subject. Most of the players will not be starting until they finish up the school year, although
at least one, Taylor, is starting prior to the end of the school year. In fact, I have already received Stevie's first entry, and it will be posted tonight. Be sure to keep checking back to see Northstar Basketball's new feature and get an inside look at some of the nation's best ballers.

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