Tuesday, March 25, 2008


First and foremost, I want to inform everyone that I have just one interview from the Prime Time Shootout that I have yet to post. I put up a large number of interviews over the past two days, so if you want to read them all, you'll have to click "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page, or just click directly on the interview on the side menu. I'd like to thank everyone once again for their patience.

Feel free to comment on articles. In fact, comments would be much appreciated. To let you know, if you have a request for an update on a player, just comment on that player's interview, and I'll try to get an update posted. As well, if there is a player that you would like me to interview or talk to, put that in a comment, and I'll see what I can do, but I can't make any promises!

Right now I'm working on follow-ups with players, primarily focusing on their recruitment, as you can tell from the three which I've already gotten up. There will certainly be a few more on the way.

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